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Tech Africa

MTN Nigeria eSIM Trial Debuts in West Africa

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MTN Nigeria is the first in West Africa to perform an integrated e-SIM check on Subscriber Identity Modules. MTN will conduct a one-year e-SIM trial; it is available to a limited number of eligible mobile subscribers.

An e-SIM is a tiny chip inserted into a mobile or smart phone. It is designed to be comfortable, flexible and easy. Apples (iPhone 11, 11 Plus, 11 Plus Max, XS, XS, XR), and Samsung’s S20 Series are all compatible mobile devices such as Google (Pixel 3, 3XL; Pixels 4, 4XL). The e-SIM will be to be registered and activated by subscribers with compatible devices during the trial period.

Last year in South Africa and Uganda, MTN launched e-SIM for the customer. MTN carried out 5G trials in Nigeria in the states of Abuja, Calabar and Lagos.

The e-SIM makes it easier for subscribers to select a prepaid plan provider, the operators can rewrite the information on the e-SIM, and the identification information can be updated over time.

The need for SIM card slots on mobile devices is removed over time by e-SIMS. While the compatible devices are expensive, e-SIM gives better user experience, especially for travelers. It might be some time before e-SIM realizes all its potential, but it’s an exciting breakthrough that can be useful to business owners in particular.

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